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Disclaimer and Terms of Use: TeamMember

Disclaimer and Terms of Use

Disclaimer and Terms of Use
This website, accessible at the URL, is published by Solvaction, which operates (i) in the United Kingdom, as a Limited company whose registered office is at C/O City, Linen Hall, 162/168 Regent St London, London W1B 5TF, United Kingdom, and (ii) in France, as an Association d’avocats à responsabilité professionnelle individuelle (AARPI) whose registered office is at 113 boulevard Haussmann, 75008 Paris (together, hereinafter "Solvaction").
The Director of the publication of the site is Mr. Jeremy Blimbaum.
The website is reserved for the private use of each visitor. Solvaction makes no representations, claims, promises, or guarantees that the information contained in or linked to this website is accurate, complete or current. This website is not intended to be a source of legal advice and any prior stated results for clients do not guarantee a similar outcome in future representation. You should not consider this information to be an invitation for an attorney-client relationship.
This website, created by Solvaction, is protected by the laws on legal protection of databases and by international legislation on copyright and intellectual property.
All data on the Solvaction site (including the information and elements that make it up) are the exclusive property of Solvaction.
The reproduction, representation, adaptation or modification, in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever and on any medium, of the Solvaction website and/or its elements (in whole or in part) is strictly prohibited, except with the prior written consent of the publication director.
As an exception to the above, Solvaction allows visitors to its website to download the letters, publications and news presented under the "News" section of the Solvaction website.
Neither receipt of information presented on this website nor any email or other electronic communication sent to Solvaction or its lawyers through this website will create an attorney-client relationship. Any information communicated to the firm or one of its lawyers before the firm agrees to represent you will not be treated as confidential and the receipt of information from you will not prevent the firm from representing someone else whose interests may be adverse to you, and any such e-mail or communication will not be treated as confidential. No user of this website should rely upon or act or refrain from acting on the basis of information included on this website without seeking legal advice of counsel in the relevant jurisdiction. Solvaction expressly disclaims all liability in respect of actions taken or not taken based on any contents of this website.

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